Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where does that kid go to school?

Well I have recently done a little organization of some of Micah's toys. Micah labeled one of the bins for me.

If you can't decipher that, it is Kindergarten for Rescue Heroes!


Paint Porridge said...

He did a good job! That's about what we have going on here. Sound out the words. GO MICAH! What an organizer too!

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA The sad thing is that once you said what it was, I kind of see how his hieroglyphics work! -Lauren

Anonymous said...

Haha, I agree with Lauren. I can kinda make out rescue heroes from that.


For PI DAY, Micah had two apple pies from McDonalds.  Autumn had a pie shaped item....chocolate chip cookie cut into slices.