Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who's your mama?

I like to take a picture with my kiddos every year on my birthday. Just look at those sweet blessings !!


Paint Porridge said...

WOW! Y'all STILL look good....
Can we get some new material??????
The kids have probably grown an inch by now.

Joy said...

I want you to know that even though I did not get a card out to you like I should have, I did think of you on your birthday! I hope you had a good day and you'll forgive me for being such a bad friend and not sending you a card!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joy, I hope you'll forgive me too.

I like yalls tradition, thats sweet.


For PI DAY, Micah had two apple pies from McDonalds.  Autumn had a pie shaped item....chocolate chip cookie cut into slices.